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CSC Generation is a billion-dollar home brand. Why haven’t you heard of it?

January 18, 2023
CSC Generation is a billion-dollar home brand. Why haven’t you heard of it? CSC Generation is a billion-dollar home brand. Why haven’t you heard of it?

CSC CEO Justin Yoshimura was recently interviewed for the Business of Home website.

The furniture industry—bless it—is not particularly known for high-stakes business drama. While hostile takeovers and Hail Mary mergers may be common enough in tech and finance, they do not regularly fill the pages of Furniture Today. All the more reason why it was so striking when, last fall, two out-of-the-blue acquisition gambits made the home industry briefly feel like an episode of Succession.

The first came in September, when the news broke that a company called CSC Generation—the owner of, among other things, Sur La Table, Z Gallerie and One Kings Lane—had made an offer to purchase the Iowa furniture manufacturer Flexsteel for $20.80 a share. One company offering to buy another is normal. The way CSC went about it was not.

Read the rest of the story and how CSC is considered an industry disruptor HERE.

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